Building a scale-up division for a high-growth online gaming & sports betting company

    Case study

Project Overview

Following the placement of a CMO in their UK entity, Digital Gravity were engaged exclusively by a sports betting brand and scale-up division of a leading international hotel and leisure group, to help them grow quickly across a number of key digital areas.

We were tasked with recruiting an end-to-end senior team in Las Vegas as they looked to build excitement around the new division in the US and take their new brand to market. 

​The Challenge

The Digital Gravity team had to contend with, and overcome, a number of post-covid challenges that came with trying to launch a new division. 

In particular, there were several sensitivities around the workforce’s attitudes towards returning to the office, as well as concerns regarding the potential need to relocate across the US at a time where covid regulations were governed by each individual state.

Another relocation challenge became apparent when discussing salary expectations. In order to help candidates better understand how their salaries would translate into real world scenarios, we conducted in-depth cost of living analysis in the US and by state. 

Having this insight proved extremely useful for the candidates we supported through the process and helped to decrease several concerns they may have had about moving across the US to a new city.

It also meant we were able ensure that their HR team could target and attract the market’s best talent from anywhere across the US.

Given we were working on this project from the UK, the time difference between Las Vegas and London could have been seen as a potential issue for us. 

However, our team were able to draw on their experiences of helping high-growth companies across the US scale out their teams and put processes in place with their HR team to ensure all meetings and calls worked at a time that suited all parties involved.

The Results

Working closely with their Vice President – Marketing, Digital Gravity filled 4 out 5 live requirements.

We were able to successfully make these hires in less than 8 weeks, saving them a significant amount of both time and money throughout the project.

We conducted in-depth analysis of the US market for the HR team, focusing on the strength of the market and expected salaries across niche digital specialisms – Digital Marketing, Creative and Technology.

We further mapped out certain target areas across the US, providing the team with a detailed breakdown of the talent within these key markets and locations.

The project concluded with us having sourced, introduced managed the interview process and subsequent offer process for their new:

  • Director of Content
  • Front-End Developer
  • Digital & Social Copywriter
  • Creative Director – USA

In total, we sent them 30 candidate CVs of which 25 were invited to interview, and helped them make 4 key hires into their business. 
